You might go to a supermarket and see many different labels for breads or flours, such as whole wheat, whole grain and multi-grain. If you are like most people, you think multi-grain and whole grain are interchangeable terms, but they are not.

Whole grain is the whole parts of a grain kernel, which includes the bran, germ and endosperm. The bran contains the fiber and vitamins. The germ includes vitamins A&E and phytonutrients. The endosperm has the majority of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamin B.

Multi-grain means the food contains more than one grain, although none of them may necessarily be whole grains. This means that you are not getting the benefits from all the parts of the grain.

Whole grains are the healthier choice because they include all of the nutrients from the grain. Whole grain means a whole part of any grain. Whole wheat means only wheat is used, and either term means that it is a good source of fiber vitamins and minerals. Stick to whole grain or whole wheat products to ensure you are receiving the maximum nutrients.
