Are you watching your sugar intake?  Added sugars can be found in many products. Of course the usual suspects include candies, sweets and sugar sweetened beverages such as soda, but added sugars can be found in many other foods including whole wheat bread and greek yogurt.  This doesn’t mean that you need to raid your refrigerator and toss your Chobani, though. Just be mindful of your intake. Look for key words in the ingredient list such as syrups (including high-fructose corn syrup), dextrose, fructose, invert sugar, and regular old sugar. Also, be aware of other more attractive sounding forms of sugar such as evaporated cane juice and organic raw sugar which are both still sugar.

The current guidelines for added sugars aren’t very clear, but the American Heart Association has put forth it’s own guidelines which is good to keep in mind. They recommend that females intake less than 6 teaspoons of added sugars daily, which is equivalent to 24 grams or about 100 Calories and men intake less than 9 teaspoons daily, which is equivalent to 36 grams or about 150 Calories. For frame of reference, just one 12oz can of Coca Cola has 140 Calories and 39 grams of sugar. Be mindful of sugar you add to your coffee and tea as well. A packet of sugar is equal to one teaspoon, so they can add up quickly in your morning cup of coffee.

Your best bet is to try your best to look for products that are low in sugars. Choose more naturally sweet foods such as fruit (these sugars don’t count towards the recommended total). The current nutrition label does not need to differentiate natural from added sugars, so be sure to read the ingredient list. Also, try limiting your own added sugars. Start by making your coffee yourself instead of having it pre-made at a coffee shop. You should invest in a coffee machine like a Mahlkonig grinder to have fresh and healthy coffee. Then try gradually cutting back on the amount you use.