‘Tis the season! We are barely past Halloween, yet there are holiday decorations filling the malls as well as holiday cookies filling the office lunch room. Though, most people do gain some weight during the holidays, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some of our best tips and tricks to keep you healthy holiday season.

Still have leftover Halloween candy around? You might want to think twice about your choice and how much exercise it would take to burn it off.

Hosting Thanksgiving this year? Don’t forget to keep your food safe! Check our Turkey safety tips.

Filling up on vegetables can help with portion control, especially at holiday meals. Consider adding a seasonal vegetable side dish such as Brussels sprouts or Butternut squash to your holiday dinner.

Getting to the gym is not the only way to burn off those holiday cookies. Some swaps such as shopping at the mall instead of online shopping can help balance out those extra calories. Read more…

Dietitians are human too! Here are some of our favorite tips to manage your weight and be healthy during the holidays from our nutrition experts.

Finally, some food for thought this holiday season if you want to help those who aren’t as fortunate.